
Brief Revised Testing Plan

Market Cart Mock Up with Frame and Joints Mapped Out

We then mapped out where a frame would be on the market cart and where and what the joints might look like.

Within the next week we will be fabricating and testable market cart to load up and use on a muddy hilly trail.

After that we plan on fabricating joints using the universal method for testing in Cameroon.

Universal Connector Concept Redefintion

After building the full scale mock ups of the cart and scale universal connector archetypes we realized it would be more beneficial to combine the 2 concepts

Full Scal Mock Up Market Cart Rev. 1

This design worked much better. Angles were revised and a form of a tie down 'net' was added. With this set up we were able to carry a much larger load. In a display scenario we could untie the net as goods were removed.

Meanwhile Universal Connector scale mock ups were being build

Full Scale Mock - Market Cart

The first full scale pass could be pushed, pulled, or stand on it's own to display goods. The mock up is build on a simple moving dolly. We noticed that angles needed to be refined for when in it's display position and the top hood was not very necessary for containing goods.


Maker Faire Africa

This is all about DIY. A plastic recycler, rice planter, bamboo trailer, energy capturing merry-go-round, aluminum batteries... check it out.


Wind-powered Electricity in Africa/USA

Had we more time, this is an interesting segway into the potential advantages of eco-powered products. "Helix’s vertical turbines are ideal for powering cell towers and are both elegant and unobtrusive. Not only are they quiet, but they generate enough juice to pay for themselves in six months. That means it isn’t too much of a stretch for telecom companies to invest in them."

wood packframe comparison

Bamboo Back Truck

Three-stick Roycroft Packframe

Trapper Nelson or Alaskan Board


thanks leslie=)
if you guys have time check this video out

cart sketches

9.30.09 Meeting Notes